2023 Cycle Two Grants Announced
$48,000 awarded to 14 organizations that serve Huntington County Residents

Hope's Harbor
Hope’s Harbor received a grant of $3,000. The grant will provide funding to offer temporary, minimal-cost lodging to parents and families of children from Huntington County receiving medical care away from home. The grant was sponsored by the Daugherty Family, Dean & Anne Stonebraker, Fred Bailey, Harold & Pauline Bailey, James & Regina Ditzler, John & Patricia Ditzler, and Steve & Vicky Eisenhut Community Funds. Pictured are Hope’s Harbor Executive Director Wendy Hoering and Development Specialist Leah Smitley.

Stillwater Hospice
Stillwater Hospice received $2,500 to provide hospice, palliative, and grief supportive care to Huntington County residents. This grant was sponsored by the Groff Eberhardt, Harold & Pauline Bailey, James & Regina Ditzler, Jim & Cindy Paul, Jim & Nancy Breiner, John & Patricia Ditzler and Steve & Vicky Eisenhut Community Funds. Pictured are Groff Eberhardt Fund representatives Marshall and Liz Sanders and Still Water Hospice Director of Development Monica Chamberlain.

Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana
Girls Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana (GSNI-M) received a grant of $1500 towards the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). This will enable GSNI-M to provide the GSLE to even more girls in Huntington County, including offering financial aid to subsidize additional activities that girls could not otherwise afford, maintaining GSNI-M camp properties, and offering training and resources to adult volunteers. Pictured are GSNI-M Chief Development Officer Faith Van Gilder, Community Foundation volunteer Nancy Breiner and Program Officer Jo Bradley

Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana
Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana was awarded $6,000 in grants that will be awarded in $2,000 increments over the next three years. This grant will provide funding for students from Crestview Middle School to visit the Junior Achievement Finance Park in Fort Wayne. This grant was sponsored by the Daugherty Family, Jim & Cindy Paul Family, and the Stephen & Alyce Zahn Community Funds. Pictured are Community Foundation Program Officer Jo Bradley, volunteer Nancy Breiner, and Junior Achievement Development Manager Sarah Schafer.

Remnant Ministries
Remnant Ministries received a grant of $5,000 to provide welcome packages of clothing, shoes, hygiene items and other necessities to new program participants. This grant was sponsored by the Fred Baily Community Fund and the Stephanie Pyle “Spirit of the Community” Fund. Pictured are Community Foundation Board Member Cindy Paul, representatives of Remnant Ministries, Cynthia Wyatt, Samantha Huffine, Erika Clark, Amber Freeman, and Executive Director Jessica Brooks.

McKenzie's Hope
McKenzie’s Hope received a grant of $1,000 to provide equipment for the multidisciplinary team to communicate with the interviewer during forensic interviews. The grant was sponsored by the Donald & Nancy McDaniel, Herb & Corrine Scheiber Memorial, Howell-Ehler-Wiley, and the Helen & Frederick Krueger and Margaret Krueger Community Funds. Pictured are McKenzie’s Hope Family Advocate Malia Metelues, Executive Director Katie Schilling, and Community Foundation Board Member Cindy Paul.

Place of Grace
Place of Grace received a grant of $6,000 for flooring for its transitional home. The grant was sponsored by the Bippus State Bank, Donald & Lou Rayne Scheiber, Harold & Pauline Bailey Memorial, Howell-Ehler-Wiley, James & Regina Ditzler, Jim & Cindy Paul Family, and the Stephen & Alyce Zahn Community Funds. Pictured are Place of Grace Executive Director Brittany Renkenberger and Community Foundation Board Member Cindy Paul.

Parkview Huntington Family YMCA
The Parkview Huntington Family YMCA received a grant of $3,500 for security cameras at the YMCA’s new program location in Roanoke. The grant was sponsored by the Bippus State Bank, Culp CPA Group, John & Patricia Ditzler and Steve & Vicky Eisenhut Community Funds. Pictured are YMCA CEO/Executive Director Todd Latta, Chief Operating Officer Jill Gradeless, Culp CPA Fund Representative Jill Jamison, Early Childhood Director Karen Teusch, and Community Foundation Board member Cindy Paul.

Alive & Well
Alive & Well received a grant of $2,000 which will provide funding for Alive & Well’s mental health lessons for Crestview and Riverview students. The grant was sponsored by the Helen & Frederick Krueger and Margaret Krueger Community Fund, the Howell-Ehler-Wiley Community Fund, the John & Midge Decker Community Fund, and the Robert & Vera Deal Community Fund. Pictured are Alive & Well’s Executive Director Wendy Bailey, Riverview Middle School PE/Health Teacher Cassandra Kyle and Howell-Ehler-Wiley Community Fund Representative Michael Howell.

Community Harvest Food Bank
Community Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Indiana received a grant of $2,500. This will support the distribution of fresh produce to Huntington County residents through Community Harvest’s Farm Wagon Program. The grant was sponsored by the Donald & Nancy McDaniel, Fred Bailey and John & Midge Decker Community Funds as well as an Anonymous Community Fund. Pictured are Community Harvest Director of Development Katie Savoie and Community Foundation Program Officer Jo Bradley.

Boy Scout Troup 130
Boy Scout Troop 130 received a grant of $4,000 towards the purchase of generators. These generators will be used for fundraising events and other scout activities. The grant was sponsored by the Herb & Corrine Scheiber Memorial, Jim & Nancy Breiner and Robert & Vera Deal Community Funds. Pictured are (Front row) Assistant Scoutmaster Eric Bruce, Breiner Fund Representatives Jim and Nancy Breiner, Skyler Miller, Deal Fund Representative Tim Deal, Assistant Scoutmaster Jeff Webb, (Second row) Ryan Warner, Andrew Lopshire, Tony Lopshire, Troop Committee Member Shannon Miller, (Back row) Ashton Collins, Ben Augspurger and Ethan Meyer.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana received a grant of $1,500 to support at-risk, one-on-one, professionally supported youth mentoring for youth in Huntington County. The grant was sponsored by the Daugherty Family, Dean & Anne Stonebraker, Fred Bailey, Helen & Frederick Krueger and Margaret Krueger, John & Midge Decker, Robert & Vera Deal and Stephen & Alyce Zahn Community Funds. Pictured are Stonebraker Fund Representative Sandy Stephan and Big Brothers Big Sister Special Projects Manager Gina Kostoff.

Bread of Life Food Pantry
The Bread of Life Food Pantry received a grant of $4,500. The grant will go towards the purchase of five new freezers at the pantry to replace the aging ones and ensure that the inventory is preserved. The grant was sponsored by the Fred Bailey Charitable Fund. Pictured are Bread of Life Food Pantry Director Rose Broyles and Community Foundation Board Member Cindy Paul.

Historic Warren Main Street
Historic Warren Main Street received a matching grant opportunity of up to $5,000 towards repairs and improvement of the former PNC Bank Building, now known as the Exchange. The grant is sponsored by the Bippus State Bank, Donald and Nancy McDaniel and the Herb & Corinne Scheiber Memorial Community Funds. Contact Historic Warren (historicwarren@gmail.com) if you are interested in having your contribution matched. Pictured are (Front Row) Community Foundation Board Member Cindy Paul, Historic Warren Board Members Becky Souder, and Melinda Daniels. (Second Row): Representing match donors Heritage Pointe of Warren, Dogwood Glen Golf Course and United Methodist Memorial Home Foundation, Heritage Pointe of Warren CEO Chod Boxell, Historic Warren Board Members Jeff Souder, Neil Laymon, and Terry Daniels.