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2024 Substance Abuse Response Fund Grant Recipients Announced


Janet Branham Posted by: Janet Branham 9 months ago

We’re pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Substance Abuse Response Fund Grants. The fund is a partnership created by the County Commissioners, the City of Huntington, the Town of Warren, the County Health Department, the Community Foundation, and local supporters. The recipients were selected by a committee of individuals representing local government, law enforcement, health services, and the recovery community.  A total of $162,530 in grants will fund 10 different projects focused on combating substance abuse in Huntington County.

Huntington United Against Overdose received a grant of $5000 toward the purchase of Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Curriculum used in groups provided in their office and at the Huntington County Jail.  The implementation of these groups reduces recidivism among those recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.

The Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County received a grant of $25,000 for their CASA Program.  The CASA program provides Children in Need of Services (CHINS) with a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) to look out for the child’s best interest within the legal system. It’s estimated that 95% of the children involved with CASA of Huntington County are due to a parent or caregiver’s opioid use. 

The Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County received an additional grant of $5,000 for the expansion of their programs designed to increase mental health and prevent drug abuse among Huntington County Middle and High School Students.

The Boys and Girls Club of Huntington County received a $10,000 grant for Botvin LifeSkills and Little Spot Training for Huntington County Students. The Botvin LifeSkills Training is an evidence-based program designed to help students entering the tween years be prepared for life challenges and prevention of tobacco use.  This program is available for students in grades 3-5.  A Little Spot is a program for students from grades K-2 and designed to help students understand their emotions and how to effectively deal with them. 

Alive & Well received $4,000 for programming for Crestview and Riverview Students.  6th and 8th grade students will attend programs designed to equip them for optimal mental wellness and to avoid substance use. 

Remnant Ministries received $30,000 for transportation, training and education. Its project focuses on acquiring reliable transportation with the capacity to transport all the individuals in its residential program. Residents have a variety of transportation needs including employment, counseling, training, classes, doctor appointments, probation appointments, church services, and physical fitness. The other focus of the project involves providing Peer Support Training, SUD training, Suicide Prevention Awareness, and Peer Recovery Coach Training for the women in Phase 4 of the program along with new staff members. Finally, the project allows Remnant Ministries to expand employment, life skills, and case management training.

Place of Grace, Inc. was awarded $60,000 toward the development of a men’s residential recovery program. The funds will go towards the start-up costs of the program which will provide intensive, wrap-around services to men re-entering the community post-incarceration in need of residential recovery services. 

Community Care of Northeast Indiana received 1,800 for curriculum for women living in transitional and recovery housing.  The funds will provide a comprehensive curriculum for up to six Huntington County residents participating in Hannah’s House recovery home and Grace & Mercy Transitional Housing.

The Huntington City Police Department received $6,730 for Huntington County Covert Drug Interdiction. The funds will be used to purchase covert updated surveillance equipment to be utilized in gathering evidence associated with the investigation of narcotics distribution in Huntington.  Police intervention leads to the arrest of drug dealers which prevents drug overdoses and refers individuals to get treatment. 

New Life Ministries received $15,000 for Men’s Life House and Women’s Life House Program Support. The Men’s Life House and Women’s Life House provide a resource to adults in recovery by offering them a safe place to stay where they can learn to live a healthy lifestyle through training programs and mentorship.