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$54,859 in Make a Difference Grants Invested into 19 Huntington County Nonprofits


Kevin Posted by: Kevin 8 years ago

You have passions. You can make an impact. You have the opportunity to be part of a legacy right here at home. By becoming a Community Impact partner, you can pool your charitable capabilities with like-minded Huntington citizens to provide a sustainable funding source for local nonprofit organizations.

During this past fall grant cycle, HCCF received 27 grant applications requesting a combined total of $200,828. Of the 27 applicants, 19 projects were approved for full/partial funding totaling $54,859. You can read a full description of each approved project on our Grant Recipients page by clicking here.

Since 1994, nearly $1.4 million in Make a Difference grants have been awarded to nonprofit organizations seeking to strengthen their services for the citizens of Huntington County.

Visit our Donate page to become a Community Impact partner today!