A 1973 graduate of Huntington North High School, Rob Henn was an avid supporter of HN athletics and had a special affection for his nieces and nephew and their participation in sports. He was known for having a great sense of humor and a multitude of friendships that he valued very much.
Family and friends established the Rob Henn Athletic Scholarship shortly after his passing in 2008. An annual golf outing in Rob’s name continues today. The scholarship is awarded to an athlete with unquestionable character, a high regard for teammates and due respect for opponents. While scholastic achievement and financial need are considerations, they are not a major factor in the decision making process.
Although, Rob lost his battle with cancer exactly nine years ago today in 2008, his love for people and willingness to help those he came in contact with will forever be memorialized in this named scholarship.
Since its establishment, the Henn Scholarship has awarded 9 student athletes $41,500 in scholarships. We congratulate Sarah Fryman, Stephanie McElhaney, Grant Meese, and Patrick Miller for being 2017 Henn Scholars!
For more news and information regarding this endowment and other endowments held at HCCF, please explore www.huntingtonccf.org and like us on Facebook at huntingtonccf.
Sarah FrymanStephanie McElhaneyGrant MeesePatrick Miller