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Hohe Scholarship Continues to Make Big Impact for St. Francis Students


Kevin Posted by: Kevin 8 years ago

Dr. John Hohe
Marjorie Hohe

Created in July of 2003, the Dr. John & Marjorie Hohe University of St. Francis Scholarship has returned just over $65,000 in total scholarship distributions through the Huntington County Community Foundation (HCCF).

The Hohe St. Francis Scholarship was established using proceeds from the sale of appreciated stock in 2003. Over the years, John and Marjorie added to their scholarship including an estate gift after John passed away in 2005.

Until this past year, Marjorie has served as an advisory member of the scholarship committee, reading through each Hohe St. Francis application and making recommendations to HCCF regarding the scholarship recipients and amounts. She takes great pride in the fact that the Hohe St. Francis Scholarship is one of the largest scholarship amounts awarded through HCCF. Marjorie will be turning 93 on Aug 31st.

We congratulate Tiffany Burke, Corinne Tester, and Kayla Wolf for being 2017 Hohe St. Francis Scholars!

For more news and information regarding this endowment and other endowments held at HCCF, please explore and like us on Facebook at huntingtonccf.

Tiffany Burke
Corinne Tester
Kayla Wolf