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Lilly Scholar Update: King Prepares for First Year at Taylor


Kevin Posted by: Kevin 8 years ago

Kevin King

A few weeks ago, Kevin King visited the Huntington County Community Foundation office to chat and update us on his life since being named Huntington County’s 2017 Lilly Endowment Community Scholar. He had just returned from his Taylor University Summer Orientation and was excited for what lied ahead. Below is a letter of appreciation Kevin wrote to us:

It is not possible to adequately express my gratitude in a simple letter. However, I feel that I must at least attempt to put what I feel into words.

My entire life, I have always had a plan. I envisioned myself going to college, bettering myself through education, being part of a Christian community, and making a difference in the world. I’ve always desired to advance the world through expanding our knowledge of science; applying myself diligently in every facet of my life in order to better the world around me.

Throughout my high school experience, I was always aware that after putting two sisters through college, the educational choices available to my family would be extremely limited. However, I always put my trust in God, knowing that He would provide for me if it was in His plan. I worked hard, trying to challenge myself with rigorous classes and prepare as best I could for whatever would lie ahead.

I applied for the Lilly with realistic expectations. I knew that as I turned in my application, it would be considered along with dozens of others by candidates whom were all amazingly qualified. As I saw it, I would be considered briefly, but would continue to apply for other scholarships in the likelihood that I would be passed over.

Working through the Lilly process, going through both interviews, and waiting to hear from the Foundation was perhaps one of the tensest and emotional events of my life so far. It was filled with prayer, hope, and a lot of comfort food. But, when, at long last, I sat alone in the Huntington North front office and saw Michael Howell walk into the doorway with a huge smile on his face, the relief that I felt was indescribable. All in one moment, the concerns that I had had to worry about for years melted away.

Now, after the joyous phone-calls to my family, private celebrations, and thankful prayers to God, I still have a consistent personal feeling of wonderment. During my Taylor orientation, I honestly couldn’t help but feel blessed. It was surreal to be able to tour my future school along with hundreds of my fellow peers, meet my professors, and begin to make my dorm room home, knowing that such possibilities would have been greatly out of my reach just a few months ago.

And I must put forward my feelings of thanks and appreciation. The best way that I may express my views is this: if it were not for the grace and generosity of the Huntington County Community Foundation and the Lilly Endowment, my life and future would look infinitely different. Not only will I be able to attend the school and program of my choice, but I will be able to prepare for my future in the manner which I desire. I am honored to have been chosen for such a substantial and stupendous investment. I aspire to represent my community with honor, pride, grace, courage, and compassion, and to give to others in a way that is reflective of the significant trust and responsibility that has been placed in me.


Kevin King 

We have the utmost confidence that Kevin will be a great representative of Huntington County and succeed in his goal of making an impact in the world. Best of luck Kevin!

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Kevin at Taylor Orientation