Q & A Blog: GIFT VIII Leadership Implementation Grant
Community Impact
Posted by: Adrianna Town
2 months ago
The Community Foundation is thrilled to have recently announced that it was awarded a grant of $4,806,133 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through the Community Leadership Implementation Grants component of the eighth phase of its Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT VIII) initiative. This is one of 30 implementation grants being awarded through GIFT VIII, a statewide Lilly Endowment initiative designed to support the efforts of community foundations and their partners to strengthen quality of life for the people in the towns, cities, counties and regions they serve.
We understand that news of substantial funding that will undoubtably impact Huntington County prompts both excitement and questions from our valued community. We strive for transparency and are pleased to provide more detailed information regarding the GIFT VIII grant in the form of a Q & A below.
Above all, our team is dedicated to upholding our mission of connecting people and resources to address local challenges and opportunities in Huntington County!
Q: What is the Community Foundation?
A: The Community Foundation is a public nonprofit organization that serves as a hub for those seeking to improve the quality of life in Huntington County. We were created by local citizens and organizations in 1991 and currently manage over $29 million in charitable assets entrusted to us by community donors.
In 2024, we awarded over $1.6 million in grants to nonprofit organizations and scholarships to students!
Q: What is Lilly Endowment Inc.’s GIFT VIII initiative?
A: Lilly Endowment Inc. launched the eighth phase of its Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) initiative to help Indiana community foundations strengthen the quality of life in the towns, cities and counties they serve. The GIFT initiative is based upon the Endowment’s longstanding belief that community foundations are uniquely positioned to play central roles in building the prosperity of communities throughout Indiana.
For more information on the GIFT VIII initiative, please refer to the official press release from Lilly Endowment Inc.
Q: How did the Community Foundation secure funding, and what steps were involved in the application process?
A: After the announcement of GIFT VIII, the Community Foundation applied for and received a $50,000 planning grant by Lilly Endowment Inc. in December 2023. Planning grant funds were used to support the creation of a concept paper that was submitted to Lilly Endowment Inc. in April 2024.
Shortly thereafter, the Community Foundation was invited to complete a final proposal which was submitted to Lilly Endowment Inc. in September 2024. We were informed of the grant award in December 2024.
Q: What community organizations / entities are involved in this community collaboration and how?
A: Based on the selection criteria detailed in the GIFT VIII request for proposals, the Community Foundation worked with a variety of community partners to identify our best opportunity for successful grant funding. After the City of Huntington’s Downtown Master Plan was chosen as the basis for our concept paper and final proposal, we worked closely with our partners at the City to complete the application process. As we enter this next phase of grant implementation, we will continue to work closely with City partners to ensure the best use of grant funds.
Q: What is the City of Huntington’s Downtown Master Plan?
A: The Huntington City Council voted unanimously on April 30, 2024, to adopt the Downtown Master Plan. The document will serve as a guide for improvements and initiatives for Downtown Huntington over the next 10 to 20 years.
For more information on the City of Huntington’s Downtown Master Plan, please refer to the official press release from the City of Huntington.
Q: Has the funding purpose already been decided on / is it for a specific project?
A: The purpose of the grant is to support the implementation of the goals identified in the Downtown Master Plan with an interest in activating underutilized spaces. Specific projects have not been finalized at this time; however, the Community Foundation is dedicated to providing regular updates regarding the process as they become available.
Q: How was community input used for the proposal?
A: The Downtown Master Plan used a variety of methods to gain public input during 2023 and 2024 including:
- Five steering committee meetings with thirteen committee members including key City staff;
- Downtown surveys (online/paper) and postcards with over two hundred responses;
- An interactive website (huntingtondowntownplan.com) that provides transparent project updates;
- Mobile, interactive displays at fourteen locations throughout the year; and
- Two public workshops attended by ninety-five community members, contributing 1,500 feedback points.
In total, over three hundred community members were engaged in the process!
Q: Is this grant for projects in the City of Huntington only?
A: While the approved grant budget is focused on the downtown boundaries of the City of Huntington, the Community Foundation is actively developing internal programs to support downtown revitalization efforts across the entire county. We will provide updates on new opportunities as they become available in 2025.
Q: Who oversees the grant and how will funding be utilized?
A: The Community Foundation is governed by a local board of directors that will oversee the utilization of funds in accordance with our grant agreement with Lilly Endowment Inc. In addition, as part of the grant award, the Community Foundation will have semi-annual program reports with Lilly Endowment Inc. through 2028.
For additional information about the Community Foundation’s financial oversight, please refer to our public Form 990 filings and our annual audited financial statements prepared by Culp CPA Group.
Q: Will grant funds be used for salaries or project consultants?
A: The vast majority (98%) of grant funding will support project items such as site work, civil design, construction, furnishings or landscaping. A small portion will be allocated for three years of partial operational funding for Huntington Main Street as they become established and hire a new director as referenced in the Downtown Master Plan.
The Community Foundation will not be using any grant funding to support its own operations or to reimburse for the time and effort of project implementation.
Q: How long will this process take?
A: The Community Foundation expects this to be a multi-year process with all grant funds expended by the end of 2028 at the latest.
Q: How will the community be informed on updates regarding project progress?
A: The Community Foundation plans to provide public updates as significant milestones are reached. For accurate, up-to-date information regarding project progress, we invite you to stay connected with us! Official press releases can be found on our blog page, and our social media accounts and quarterly newsletter will provide regular project updates.
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