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Seven Lilly Finalists Receive $1,500 Each


Kevin Posted by: Kevin 8 years ago

Annually, the Huntington County Community Foundation (HCCF) administers the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, a four-year full tuition scholarship to any college within Indiana. During the process, the HCCF scholarship committee chooses around ten students from a pool of applicants for a first round of face-to-face interviews. Of those interviewed, three are chosen for a second interview with one student becoming the Lilly Scholar and two students becoming Lilly Finalists.

In 2001, HCCF began awarding Lilly Finalists $1,500 each to reward them for their tremendous efforts in academics, extracurriculars, and community service.

In 2005, the scholarship became renewable up to four years of post-secondary education.

In 2011, the Irvin & Loretta Murphy Community Scholarship was established at HCCF to support the Lilly Finalist Scholarship program.

Since creating the Lilly Finalist Scholarship, HCCF has awarded a total of 42 students $193,500 in scholarships. We congratulate Cameron Buzzard, Sam Daugherty, Kristen Dyson, Kylie Frederick, Alexa Hill, Melanie Lisinicchia, and Nathan Park as our 2017 Lilly Finalist Scholars!

To support the Lilly Finalist Scholarship, please visit our donate page.

Cameron Buzzard
Sam Daugherty
Kristen Dyson
Kylie Frederick
Alexa Hill
Melanie Lisinicchia
Nathan Park